New Magazine Feature: Ask a Park Ranger

ByJanelle Nanos
August 03, 2010
2 min read

Every so often, we let you in on the inner workings of Traveler magazine before it hits newsstands. And if you’re a close reader, you may be aware that I write a column each month on the latest news from the National Parks. I’ve come to love talking to the Rangers about all of their upcoming projects (and am a huge proponent of Thank a Ranger Day as a result). So we decided to change up the column a bit to hear more from them.

Starting in October, the new column “Ask a Ranger” will be answering reader-submitted questions about the parks. That’s where you come in. Are you planning a trip and need advice on the best hikes, campsites, or drives? Do you want to know the best places to get that perfect photo? Trying to put together an itinerary that has a little bit of everything? Wondering what you’ll need to pack? Or looking to learn more about a particular aspect of the parks (climbing, biking, fossils, plant life, birding, etc.) and need some guidance? I’ll track down the right Ranger to help answer your questions, and together we’ll help you put together an plan for your visit.

So please, submit your questions, as I need to get to work! You can add them in the comments, or email me now.

[National Park Travel Guide]

Photo: A Ranger leads a group of students at Duck Brook in Acadia National Park, July 2009. Via


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