Plan My Trip! Seattle and San Francisco

July 10, 2008
2 min read
San Francisco Painted Ladies

Ok readers, here comes a challenge. We at Traveler make a living telling people where to go and what to do when visiting new places. But we also know that the real essence of great travel is having knowledgeable locals tell you where to go. So I’m turning the tables a bit and asking you, our readers, to help me plan my upcoming trip to Seattle and San Francisco. What are the local haunts that a typical tourist would miss? The favorite neighborhood joints, the outstanding yet overlooked museums, the things that locals do on a Saturday instead of checking out the sites? I want to know.

This will be a reader-generated trip. You guys get to decide where I’ll go and here’s the deal: I want you to show me. I’m going to be in Seattle the weekend of July 18th, and in San Francisco the weekend of the 25th, and I’ll be blogging while I’m gone. I’ll have my video camera too, and I’d love not only meet our readers, but introduce them to the rest of you. So leave your suggestions for favorite places in the comments below, and if you’re up for being a tour guide, email me so you can show me a slice of your town.

Photos: Seattle by Rich Frishman; San Francisco, by Charles O’Rear/Corbis

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