BusJunction Searches Sites So You Don’t Have To

ByJanelle Nanos
May 21, 2009
2 min read
Bus Junction.png

I’m on a bus to New York City right now, so I thought this might be the perfect time to pen a quick blog about the new site BusJunction.com, which serves as a Kayak.com for buses. It’s one of those sites that you didn’t realize how much you needed until it existed, and now that it exists I’m pretty sure I’m hooked. In essence, it works to aggregate all the available bus times from 13 different budget bus companies and it tells you which ones have wifi, power outlets, and the kicker, helps you find those $1 fares that are always so elusive. They’re currently serving 31 cities in the East and Midwest; you just pick your ticket, and BusJunction will redirect you to the bus company’s individual site.

Now if they could only help alleviate this traffic I’m currently sitting in along 95…

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