Mexico’s Garden of Art

December 03, 2009
2 min read

Sabina Lohr took a break from touristy Cancún, Mexico, and learned that getting off the beaten path is only a few steps away.

Just a short ferry hop from Cancún, Mexico, colorful Isla Mujeres is an spot where day-trippers commonly escape for a while from their all-inclusive hotel vacations in the mainland’s hotel zone. This tiny island boasts gorgeous beaches, friendly people, and great little Mexican restaurants. A large group of friends and I decided to extend our stay on the island and ended up as guests at a variety of hotels – some large and luxurious, some small and family-run.

One morning a couple of us decided to wander away from the downtown area, which is the most touristy spot on the island, as it’s where the ferry boats from Cancún dock. We could have rented a golf cart or flagged down a cab, but we set out on foot for the five-mile trip to the southern tip of the island through Garrafón Reef ParkGarrafón Reef Park. Inside we discovered a path leading to a cliff on which the temple to the Maya goddess Ixchel stands. Strolling this path we encountered dozens of modern art sculptures which we learned were the Punta Sur Sculpture Garden, an ideal spot to check out if you’re looking to mix a little culture into your beach vacation.  

Created in 2001 by almost two dozen Mexican sculptors from around the world, these sculptures are a colorful tribute to the area’s indigenous Maya civilization. This kaleidoscopic outdoor art exhibit could stand alone in its allure, but with the sky, the cliff and the Caribbean Sea as its backdrop, it becomes a uniquely impressive garden of art.

Photo: Sabina Lohr

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