Great Bike-Friendly Cities

ByJanelle Nanos
February 25, 2010
2 min read

Exploring North American cities by bike is only getting easier, thanks to the creation of more bike lanes, commuter-friendly policies, and a number of open street programs being introduced across the country. In the March issue of Traveler, writer David Swanson spotlights some of these steps taken in several cities. Boston’s hired a former Olympic cyclist to helm their biking initiative, and established over 15 miles of bike lanes. In Portland, Oregon, visitors will find 75 miles of off-street cycle paths, and dozens of rental shops for navigating through the city. In New York City, the Greenway allows you to ride for miles along the Hudson River, while in San Diego, you can ride a 26-mile loop around San Diego Bay. Check out the entire article for more routes, pathways, and rental sites, then grab a bike and hit the road.

[Great Bike-Friendly Cities]

Photo by Loic Bernard/


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