Faisal Adrian Zein

The Radar: World’s Safest Airlines, Tips for Packing Light, Best of Costa Rica

ByGiovanna Palatucci
September 01, 2011

  • Geneva’s Air Transport Rating Agency (ATRA) has named the top 10 airlines for safety. Five U.S. airlines made the list while Japan Airlines was the only Asian airline named. ATRA examined 44 carriers using 15 criteria that contribute to airlines’ safety performances.  [CNN GO]

  • Travelers no longer have the luxury of overpacking. Checked bag fees and weight restrictions mean major hassels and more money spent at the airport for those of us who can’t leave that extra pair of shoes (or two) at home. Here are 10 tips for packing light by an adventure traveler who knowns how to fit everything in one light-weight pack. [Travel Dudes]

  • Visiting Costa Rica for the first time? Here are seven must-do activities. [Geckos Adventures]

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Photo: Faisal Adrian Zein/My Shot

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