Vinod Krishnan/My Shot

The Radar: Pancakes With the President, Kid Carry-On Essentials, Beautiful Buildings

ByGiovanna Palatucci
October 17, 2011

  • The President of Iceland is inviting tourists to his home to eat pancakes as part of a new “Inspired by Iceland” tourism campaign. The President is encouraging Icelanders to offer similar acts of hospitality— shopping trips, homemade dinners, walking tours– as a way for tourists to get to know the locals and the real Iceland. [Travelllll]

  • Flying with small children can be difficult. Flight attendants recommend five carry-on items to keep kids happy and entertained in the air. [Fox News]

  • Marvel at some of the world’s most beautiful buildings. [Huffington Post]

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Photo: Vinod Krishnan/My Shot


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