With almost 4,000 miles of coastline, Chile's got it all. (Photograph by Alban Chauveau, My Shot)

The Radar: Off-Grid Chile, Inspirational Travel Quotes, World’s Most Remote Places

ByErin Spencer
July 18, 2012

  • With its deserts and glaciers, Chile is a country of extremes–and the perfect destination for adventurers. Find out all this South American gem has to offer. [Boots ‘n’ All]
  • Need a little push to start planning your next trip? After reading these inspirational travel quotes, you’ll be packing your bags in no time. [Traveling Canucks]
  • Some of the world’s most remote places also happen to be the most beautiful. Get a peek at the most pristine ecosystems on Earth from your armchair. [BBC Travel]

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Photograph by Alban Chauveau, My Shot

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