Laura’s Stuttgart

November 27, 2013
4 min read

Laura Jankjewitz originally hails from Berlin, but considers Stuttgart “home” after relocating there at the age of 7. This full-time engineering student has a passion for Asian culture–she’s even learning Chinese in hopes of studying abroad one day. But in the meantime, here are some of Laura’s favorite things about her current home base.

Stuttgart is My City

When someone comes to visit me, the first place I take them is Schlossplatz, because it’s a central point where everyone meets.

Summer is the best time to visit my city because there are many festivals like Lichterfest (festival of lights) taking place.

You can see my city best from Eugensplatz.

Locals know to skip supermarkets and check out Markthalle instead.

Flohmarkt Karlsplatz is the place to buy authentic, local souvenirs.

In the past, notable people like Gottlieb Daimler and Ferdinand Porsche have called my city home.

My city’s best museum is probably the Mercedes-Benz Museum because it showcases the company’s very first models as well as the cars of the future.

If there’s one thing you should know about getting around my city, it’s to download the VVS app, because you can get to every corner of the city by public transportation.

The best place to spend time outdoors in my city is the Höhenpark Killesberg.

My city really knows how to celebrate Christmas because it hosts one of the biggest Christmas markets in Europe.

You can tell if someone is from my city if they are speaking the Alemannic dialect.

For a fancy night out, I go to the Opernhaus (opera house) and watch an opera or a performance by the Stuttgart Ballet.

Just outside my city, you can visit the Ludwigsburg Residential Palace.

My city is known for being mostly German, but it’s really multicultural. At 40 percent, Stuttgart has the highest rate of residents with immigrant backgrounds in the nation.

The best outdoor market in my city is Flohmarkt am Karlsplatz.

Zimt & Zucker is my favorite place to grab breakfast, and Woody’s, where you can get two meals for the price of one after 11 p.m., or various Dönerbude (kebab shops) are the spots for late-night eats.

To find out what’s going on at night and on the weekends, read Prinz. Sadly it’s only in German, but some festivals are listed in English on the Stuttgart Tourist site.

My city’s biggest sports event is football (soccer). Watch it at the Mercedes-Benz Arena.

When I’m feeling cash-strapped, I pick up some beverages at a supermarket and have a nice chat with my friends in front of Palast der Republik while enjoying the music.

To escape the crowds, I sit at Feuersee.

The dish that represents my city best is spätzle and maultaschen, and Wulle Beer is my city’s signature drink.

The Opernhaus is my favorite building in town because it’s just too beautiful, especially at night.

The most random thing about my city is the law that you can’t buy alcoholic beverages after 10 p.m.

Kap Tormentoso is the best place to see live music, but if you’re in the mood to dance, check out Rocker33 and Kowalski.

In the spring you should walk through Höhenpark Killesberg and enjoy the flowers.

In the summer you should absolutely attend the Lichterfest.

In the fall you should go to a festival called Cannstatter Volksfest, which is similar to Oktoberfest.

In the winter you should visit the Christmas market.

If you have kids (or are a kid at heart), you won’t want to miss the Wilhelma Zoo.

When I think about my city, the song that comes to mind is Bom Bom,” by Sam and the Womp.

In 140 characters or less, the world should heart my city because the people underestimate Stuttgart even though it’s a beautiful and fun place to live and visit.

For Hungry Minds

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